Grolsch continues to invest in community initiatives
The Grolsch Vakmanschap is Meesterschap Fonds is open to applications
Brewery Grolsch has opened the application procedure to the Grolsch Vakmanschap is Meesterschap Fonds for the year 2021. The fund is created to support initiatives in the regions Twente and De Achterhoek that contribute to the social and economic growth of the region. Especially during these difficult times, Grolsch feels it is important to lend local initiatives a helping hand. Registration is open until 30 April 2021, at
The Grolsch Vakmanschap is Meesterschap Fonds (‘Grolsch Craftsmanship is Mastery Fund’) was established in 2015 with the aim to promote social and economic growth in its home region. Jaap Hulshof, Manager Corporate Sponsorship and Corporate Events at Royal Grolsch: "The COVID-19 pandemic has a major impact on society. It is important to support each other in times like these. With the Grolsch Vakmanschap is Meesterschap Fonds we can make a valuable contribution. In previous years we have seen some wonderful projects being carried out, so we are very curious to see which initiatives will apply this year."
Sustainable nature
Craftsmanship – ‘Vakmanschap’ - goes hand in hand with sustainability at Grolsch. The 'zero waste' brewery aims to work towards a cleaner, more circular world, and wants to encourage others to do the same. Therefore, projects that apply must be of sustainable nature. Other criteria that will be evaluated are entrepreneurship, innovation and character. Initiatives from the regions Twente and De Achterhoek that meet these criteria are welcome to apply. More information about the Grolsch Vakmanschap is Meesterschap Fonds can be found at our website.
Winning projects of 2020
Last year, Grolsch offered a check to three original initiatives that applied to the Vakmanschap is Meesterschap Fund:
- Het Interactief Bijenmuseum met Bijentuin (‘The Interactive Bee Museum with Bee Garden’). In addition to stimulating and maintaining the bee population in the region, this initiative is engaged in training new beekeepers, offering guest lessons to both schoolchildren and citizens, and selling organic bee products.
- GroenWater. This is the developer of the GreenSourceSystem. With a water-purifying artificial soccer field and an awareness & education program, GroenWater works towards better accessibility to safe water, health, vitality and social well-being.
- B&B Erve Groot Wegereef. This bed & breakfast is a combination of social entrepreneurship and tourism located in the Weldam farm. The B&B offers people with a distance to the labor market the opportunity to develop their skills within a work-based day care program and into a fulltime job.
Sustainability policy
Royal Grolsch has been a 'zero waste' brewery since 2020, meaning 100% of its waste is being reused. Within the framework of its sustainability policy ‘DUURZAAM.KARAKTER.’, the brewery focuses on six focal points:
1. Reducing CO2 emissions and energy consumption;
2. Maximizing circular packaging;
3. Optimizing transportation;
4. Securing and reducing water use;
5. Promoting inclusiveness and well-being;
6. Promoting responsible alcohol consumption.
More information on the sustainability policy and results can be found at our