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1 June 2023

Grolsch wins Asahi Global Philosophy Award in Tokyo

Koninklijke Grolsch was awarded the Grand Prix for its heat supply project with Twence at the Asahi Global Philosophy Awards in Tokyo on 31th May 2023. At the global ceremony, which could be followed online and was enthusiastically attended by Asahi colleagues worldwide, Grolsch won the Grand Prix Award with unanimous votes from the jury.  After an excellent and engaging presentation, "For Hops" from the Czech Republic was voted best by the online audience and received the audience award. The Award of Excellence went to the project "Global Rollout of Technology for Developing Next-Gen Non-Alcoholic Beverages" from AGH Japan. 
The Grand Prix winning team represented by Susan Ladrak (Sustainability Manager) and Koert van´t Hof (Corporate Affairs Director) from Royal Grolsch received a gift specially made for the AGP AWARDS, created in collaboration with artisans of traditional Japanese crafts such as Edo Kiriko. They can also donate one million yen (approx. 6 700 Euros) to a charity organisation of their choice. It is a great realisation of AGP as the work includes all the expected elements from the competition. We have a unanimous decision among the judges, which is a great achievement for you. This project will lead us to a better future and encourage us to part two of the sustainable strategy. I hope this project will be expanded in the entire business and other industries," said Atsushi Katsuki-san, Asahi Group Holdings CEO, talking about the Heat from Twence project. The online audience cheered and praised the project with comments such as "sustainability is a crucial issue for all people in the world", "so green, so bold", "green is the way to go", "living our green dreams", "the journey to sustainability is key not only for Asahi but to us all", "plop, plop, Grolsch".
Congratulations to our colleagues who worked with vision, commitment, and hope for a better world on these projects. 
Asahi Global Philosophy Awards
An initiative of Asahi Group Holding, the awards reward a team or individual who has led a project that embodies the values of our Asahi Group philosophy: Challenge and Innovation, Excellence in Quality and Shared Inspiration. As this is a global event, everyone gets the chance to learn about the projects of other colleagues around the world and to discover and learn about the wider company.